Prayer to The Divine Child Jesus Holy Prayer Card Laminated (ENGLISH/SPANISH)
Prayer to The Divine Child Jesus Holy Prayer Card Laminated (ENGLISH/SPANISH)
Prayer to The Divine Child Jesus Holy Prayer Card Laminated (ENGLISH/SPANISH)

Prayer to The Divine Child Jesus Holy Prayer Card Laminated (ENGLISH/SPANISH)

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Prayer to The Divine Child Jesus

"O Divine Child Jesus, I pray that Thou will give Thy servant the grace to love Thee more and more, with a love like Thy Blessed Mother had for Thee.. Give me the grace to have the time often, if not daily, to attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and to witness with the eyes of the sinner, Mary Magdalen, to behold Thee Crucified, and to see Thy Sorrowful Mother and St. John at the foot of the Cross on the Hill of Calvary. And then, O Loving Child, give me as food for my soul Thy Body and Blood, as at 
the Last Supper that Thou gave to Thy Apostles. And after a good Confession and when death is near, as the Divine Child meet me at the last moment of my life and bid me to come with Thee and show me Thy Palace Thy Heavenly Father has prepared for Thee. Amen.

 Suplica Para Tiempos Dificiles Divino Niño Jesüs

"Tengo mil dificultades: ayúdame.

De los enemigos del alma: sálvame.

En los desaciertos: ilumíname.

En mis dudas y penas: confórtame.

En mis soledades: acompáñame.

En mis enfermedades: fortaléceme.

Cuando me desprecien: anímame.

En las tentaciones: defiéndeme.

En las horas difíciles: consuélame.

Con tu corazón paternal: ámame.

Con tu inmenso poder: protégeme.

Y en tus brazos al expirar: recíbeme.
